Hoofdingang: Oosthaven 9
2801 PE  Gouda

+31 (0)182 33 10 00


Opening hours

Tue - Sun 11:00 - 17:00 h
Museum café
Tue - Sat 10:00 - 17:00 h
Sun 11:00 - 17:00 h

Free: Museum Card and Rotterdam Pass

The museum café (Achter de Kerk 14) and shop (Oosthaven 9) are accessible without a museum ticket.

From Ferdinand Bol to Isaac Israels, from a Gouda clay pipe to a 16th-century triptych: Museum Gouda has a unique collection. Discover the 16th-century altarpieces, a gigantic interactive city model of Gouda in 1562, 17th-century militia pieces and French and Dutch paintings from the 19th century. You can also admire the famous Gouda pottery.

Combination tickets

In addition to the regular tickets (14.50), you can also buy a combination ticket for the museum and St. John's (21.50)

A ticket is available for 7.00 upon presentation of a student card and CJP.