In the late 1980s and 1990s, Poldersport was a medium-sized sporting event consisting of four parts.

With Corona restrictions still in place, a partial rebirth is now taking place 20 years later. Poldersport anno 2021 consists of cycling and walking through the beautiful polders of Krimpenerwaard. In the future, we also want to organise the swimming and performance run components again as happened at the end of the last century. Because Corona restrictions still apply next time, we are focusing for now on cycling and walking trips for small groups, such as families or a maximum of two families together, who then have to pay close attention to the distance between them. And on groups of friends. If 't is lucky, the swimming activity in the swimming pools De Baan in Gouderak and Scharlesooi Berkenwoude can also be done in the spring and summer months.

The cycling and walking tours are old-fashioned on paper with a route map attached. This is fun for children to gain experience with map reading. For them anyway, we make it fun along the way with cheerful stamps at the stamping posts, passages along (cheese) farms, playgrounds, quiet areas and picnic tables along the way. To keep it accessible, shorter routes are available for families with young children.

Stamping posts & departure points

There will be stamping points for the cycle routes at:

Het Bonte Varken, IJsseldijk Noord 235A, Ouderkerk a/d IJssel

Fiets Vitaal, Bovenkerkseweg 11, Stolwijk

14The Road @ GOUDasfalt site, Gouderaksedijk 32, Gouda (also starting point)

Cafeteria Hapsikee, Dorpsstraat 44, Gouderak

De Vlisterstee, West-Vlisterdijk 57, De Vlist (closed on Wednesdays).

There will be stamping points for the walking routes at:

Kamerbeek bookshop, Kranepoort 18, Gouderak (also starting point)

Het Bonte Varken, IJsseldijk Noord 235A, Ouderkerk a/d IJssel

When. From Tuesday to Saturday during the summer holiday weeks. On Sundays and Mondays by request only.

Who. Everyone from 6 years upwards Rates? 3.50 to 5 € p.p.

Any questions? Mail -> or call 0182-548465