Markt 35
2801 JK  Gouda

+31 (0)182 - 589 110

Opening hours

20 March - 31 October
Museum & shop 10.00 - 17.oo hrs (During the Gouda Cheese Market from 9.30 hrs)

Outside this season other opening hours apply. These can be found on the website. 

This authentic building was designed in 1668 by architect Pieter Post.

This authentic building was designed in 1668 by architect Pieter Post. The ground floor of the Goudse Waag was formerly used to weigh cheese. Today, the Goudse Waag houses the Cheese and Crafts Museum. Here, one can learn about the building’s history, the products weighed and traded, and how cheese is made. The ground floor is also the location of the Gouda Tourist Information.